Prayers and Thoughts on How to Become Humble

Below are some prayers and thoughts we have been collecting for years from many different books. There are probably some quotes or close paraphrases.  Sometimes there was only one sentence, sometimes it was an entire prayer. So this is a collection of what we thought was good to share-all for the glory of God! Amen.

Heavenly Father, I come before you as your child, in great need of Your help. We have physical health needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs and interpersonal needs which have caused defects in body, mind and spirit. Much of our problems have been caused by our own failures, neglect, and sinfulness, for which I humbly ask your forgiveness, healing, and restoration. But I also ask you to forgive the sins of my ancestors whose failures have left their effects in me in the form of unwanted sinful tendencies and behavior patterns. God: I offer you, all my thoughts, all my words, and actions of this day. Grant that they may be thoughts of humility, words of humility, and actions of humility- all to your glory. May I know thee: may I know myself. If we make an effort to know ourselves, the knowledge would make us humble and humility would bring healing for our need through the graces it would obtain.

God, I know you can do more for our soul in one day than in 10 years of our prayer, fasting, trials and crosses, so I ask you to make this the day. Just as I prize money help me prize and desire prayer, fasting, trials, crosses, and being a living sacrifice, through humility. There are few who are able to use trials, tribulations and afflictions as a means to becoming humble. Grant of thy mercy, O my God, that we may be amongst those few. Help us love these with sentiments of true humility. Help us to bear displeasure with humility. Please give humility to our hearts. 

Help us have remembrance of those insults we have offered to You. What have I done in sinning?  What have I done in offending You God? This ash and dust, this nothingness, has repeatedly insulted Your divine majesty. I’m sorry. Please forgive me and help me not do it anymore. I must hope to save my soul, but I must also fear to loose it.

Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire of being esteemed, From the desire of being loved, From the desire of being extolled, From the desire of being honored, From the desire of being praised, From the desire of being preferred to others, From the desire of being consulted, From the desire of being approved, From the fear of being humiliated, From the fear of being despised, From the fear of suffering rebukes, From the fear of being calumniated, From the fear of being forgotten, From the fear of being ridiculed, From the fear of being wronged, From the fear of being suspected.

Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be loved more than I, That others may be esteemed more than I, That in the opinion of the world others may increase and I may decrease, That others may be chosen and I set aside, That others may be praised and I unnoticed, That others may be preferred to me in everything, That others may become holier than I.

Help us humble ourselves more for those virtues we lack than pride ourselves on those we possess. God please help us not to exalt ourselves. God have mercy on us and consider restoring those graces which we lost because of pride and self love. God  please have it sink deep down into our soul that we share in the sorrows, passion, and death of Jesus Christ, and how Mary participated in all he suffered. Please open our mind to see how much we I have been monsters of cruelty and His executioner. 

Like all good works the conversion and salvation of souls are really the work of the Holy Spirit. To Jesus humility is nature, for us it is grace. Why is earth and ashes proud? As man, I have in my corrupt nature a proclivity to every evil, plus, I am capable of committing all kinds of sin, and if I do no not commit them it is only through your special grace, Blessed Trinity, which preserves and restrains me. Thank You.

The proof of true humility is patience. Everything depends on the way we take things. To rule our life by the maxims of the world, is certain to inspire pride. To rule our life by the maxims of the Gospel will inspire humility.

Our pride renders us unfaithful servants when we attribute to ourselves that praise which is due only to us as a gift which is entrusted to us by God and which ought to be unreservedly and only ascribed to Him. To give thanks to God for all the blessings we have received and are continually receiving is an excellent means of exercising humility, because by thanksgiving we learn to acknowledge the Supreme giver of every good.

O my God, I thank you for all the benefits I have received through your goodness alone for which I did not deserve, never given you thanks for, in vain glory attributed to my own power. Help me detest my pride! If I will not mortify myself with humility by crushing my self love and craving for esteem I forfeit your grace.

How much we ought to humble ourselves in the thought of how little fear and love we have for Him.  Please imprint the grace of humility in us. It would be absurd to hope for the reward without being humble, or at least without the desire to be humble, and without making acts of humility.

Humility of heart is accompanied by exterior reverence, and to be lacking in this is weak humility, and is therefore the sin of pride, which excludes reverence. God give me that sorrow for my sins which is necessary. To prepare for our judgment our whole entire life must be one long penance. 

Nothing is so contrary to true humility as to seek one’s own esteem in the exercise of good works. The virtue of humility consists essentially in moderating the desire to exault ourselves above others. Take heed lest, while you do not esteem yourself, you should still wish to be esteemed by others.  I have more pride than humility. Ah, try to realize how backward you are in the school of Jesus Christ!  Whoever believes himself to be something “deceives himself.” Nothing in man is further removed from humility than reliance on his own virtue.

The saints thanked God for the humiliations they suffered as for a special grace. If God allows me many humiliations, it is because He wants to make the image of His Son perfect in me.