Post-Abortion's Cognitive-Behavioral Disorders


The aftermath of abortion is complex, involving emotional, psychological, and societal dimensions. Exploring the cognitive-behavioral disorders that can arise after such an experience is crucial. These disorders encompass a wide range of challenges. Additionally, abortion may aggravate existing mental health conditions or expose underlying vulnerabilities.

The Pathological Critic (TPC) 

Women who have abortions are especially prone to develop and embrace TPC and it only serves to worsen abortions trauma.  TPC is formed by the combined destructive forces caused by abortion. A destructive synergism causes abortions consequences to stew, ferment, putrefy, jell, and solidify into a mindset which attacks self masquerading as the victims own thoughts. It amplifies their self-condemnation, self-loathing, low self-worth, guilt, and shame, psychiatric and spiritual disorders. It creates a horrible mental state. It is a type of automatic negative thought which obsessively attacks a person's stream of consciousness.

Traumatic Reenactment of Abortion  

Traumatic Reenactment (TR) is not unique to abortion, as it is a very common reaction with all types of trauma. Those who had an abortion relive past abortion traumas in their present lives. 

Inside the soul, there is an unhealed abortion trauma that runs concurrently with a competing instinct for healing the abortion trauma. TR not only prevents healing but recreates and intensifies the trauma. TR keeps trauma from healing as would a wound that is perpetually scratched open. The trauma is never behind them, it is never healed, it is always ever-present, never achieving a healing resolution. When the post-abortive woman's mind is compulsively reliving the past with all its condemnation, judgment, ANTS, and negative feelings, TR is always the culprit. Although healthy rituals like a memorial service can help heal the post-abortive, there are also dysfunctional rituals that exacerbate the abortion trauma. 

The abortion trauma makes such a deep, indelible imprint that until it is healed, they may continue to reenact their abortion trauma for the rest of their lives. Even years after the original abortion trauma, traumatic memories are infinitely more painful when compared to regular emotional baggage. Regular memories are to snow flurries as traumatic memories are to a blizzard. TR makes the post-abortive woman's life miserable because it overwhelms their rebound ability to function healthily. TR puts a person into a constant state of emergency like a hurricane that never passes. 

Post Abortion Replacement Babies

When a child is lost through natural causes like miscarriage, where there is no parental culpability for its death, some parents draw closer and make love more frequently. When the parents want a brand new baby as fast as possible to quell their pain and provide themselves consolation, this subsequent child is natural and a gift from God. A brand new baby, it is hoped will bring fresh, blameless life into the family, acting like medicine to heal their hurting souls. This child was not born to take the place of the deceased child or replace it. 

The desire for a replacement baby is usually an unconscious motivation. While some mothers want a replacement baby to either relive or act out the original abortion trauma, the majority attempt to undo the abortion and ipso facto reduce their lingering post-abortive pain, but it proves to be an inadequate attempt to quell their pain. While she experiences disordered bonding issues with the replacement baby, the child can have all sorts of disordered identity problems.  The child's identity disorders are deferred in order to focus on the mother's trauma. Both mother and child symbiotically develop abnormal roles toward each other.  

Commonly, with the post abortion replacement child the mother has not mourned the loss of her aborted child. So through the replacement baby she begins a distorted grieving process using the new baby to avoid her grief over the loss of the aborted baby.